The Official Page of

The Constitution Party of Oregon

=>Honor God

=>Defend the Family

=>Restore the Republic


Currently, at least two candidates are seeking the nomination of the Constitution Party of Oregon for the office of President of the United States.

Candidates have also come forward for other offices; and all positions, especially those for which no suitable candidate has been presented by another party, are open to anyone willing to make a run at it.

Nominations will take place at our…

Primary Nominating Convention

On the fourth Saturday in May, immediately following the primary election, the Constitution Party of Oregon will hold its own nominating convention at:

Alfalfa Community Hall
26155 Willard Road
Bend, OR   97701
These elections will be held in accordance with Oregon Regulatory Statutes 254 and 248, with the Party bylaws, and Robert's Rules of Order. All those registered to vote with the Constitution Party of Oregon are invited to come and participate. We expect that future conventions will be held in various locations for greatly improved participation. For now, it is necessary to attend in person; and, unfortunately, proxy votes are disallowed by state law.

We gratefully acknowledge the past blessings of Almighty God, poured out upon us through Jesus Christ our Lord. We appeal to Him for mercy, aid, comfort, guidance, and protection. We call on all Oregonians to join us in our efforts to return American jurisprudence to its Biblical foundations and to limit government to its constitutional boundaries, as we promote candidates for public office.

Our Mission and Vision

Freedom under God is the unique feature of political life in the United States of America that has set it apart from all other nations. While this quality should be enjoyed by all peoples of the earth, it is in our own nation that it has flourished due to the faith and wisdom of the founding fathers who authored and established in law the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution. It is irrefutably the Bible which provided the spiritual and philosophical underpinnings for these two "freedom documents." Indeed, the first-ever act of the U.S. Congress ordered that thousands of Bibles be printed for the essential spiritual maintenance of the nation.

Today, our state and nation no longer seem to recognize that we may enjoy freedom under God but that we cannot enjoy freedom without Him.

The Constitution Party of Oregon rises to be a voice for that basic truth. Toward that end we shall:

We call upon all concerned citizens who have a patriotic love for this nation, for the God over it, for the people within it, for its glorious history, and who have a concern for its future to join with us as we engage its critical present.

Come be a part of the growing national movement to restore our United States of America to its original purpose — Freedom under God — for men, women, boys, and girls.

I pledge allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America, and to the Republic it creates, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Become a Constitution Party Member

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